Tag Archives: Asian Literature

New Month, New Books

Hey, Prep Hawks!

March has finally arrived and so have three new books at McShain Library. Yeah! Get excited! Take at look at what we have received.

Students, please keep in mind that all books in McShain Library are available for checkout. We love when you guys check out books!


1) American Sniper by Chris Kyle (Autobiography)

Used as the basis for the award winning film American Sniper, Chris Kyle recounts his experience as a U.S. Navy Seal with the most recorded kills in American history.

2) Profiles in Courage by JFK (Historical, Biography)

Winner of the 1957 Pulitzer Prize, John F. Kennedy depicts the lives of eight extraordinary American Senators who defied  the majority by following their convictions.

3)The Rent Collector by Cameron Wright (Historical Fiction)

In order to provide for their family, Sang Ly and Ki Lim are forced to scavenge through Cambodia’s largest municipal waste dump for recyclables. With a chronically ill child to care for, life cannot possibly get any harder for the two. However, the discovery of a well-hidden secret about an unjust rent collector has the potential to change the family’s fortune.

New Book Arrivals!!!

Students, it is that time of the month!!! The Junior Library Guild has sent a new shipment of books to McShain Library. Take a look at some of the titles we received:


1) The Accidental Highwayman by Ben Tripp (Fantasy/ Historical Fiction)

2) Monkey Wars by Richard Kurti (Science Fiction/ Action)

3) V for Vendetta by Alan Moore (Graphic Novel/ Science Fiction)

4) The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami (Fantasy/Graphic Novel/ Asian Literature))

5) In Darkness by Nick Lake (Historical Fiction)

6) Reality Boy by A.S. King (Contemporary/Realistic Fiction)

7) Press Play by Eric Devine (Contemporary/Realistic Fiction)

8) The Shining by Stephen King (Horror)